Originally Posted by Jimmy_Two_Times
Weak is subjective… what criteria are we talking about and what other ethnic OC group has fared better?

Good question, I don't see them as weak. They are just so into legitimate businesses and many are college educated. Even the gangster types in the Mafia fit well into society, and are not out looking to kill people. They have been like this for a long time, no need for people to mention the occasional exception. When the 1930's and 1940's violence rate was high, even with other gangs, it was different. Those men faced poverty and many were imprisoned as teenagers. To compare them to those days, or call them weak because they are not out killing does not make sense. An 86-year old poked a guy who had been taunting him in phone calls and then in person, he just had that big trail and was found guilty
That is the biggest factor, the standards of law enforcement, We have more to fear from groups like ANTIFA than we do from not only the Mafia, but most other gangs.