Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
Thug, is A Woman Under the Influence a musical? I'm surprised there's no Dekalog there. :p
It's certainly not a musical, in any way, shape, or form. Haven't you heard of it? It's a shame Cassavetes is such an unbelievably underrated director; I'd easily rank him in the ten best of all time, and perhaps the only American director who can compete with him is Kubrick (Hitchcock is British, whether his films are or not). Cassavetes is known mostly for his acting today, starring in such films as The Dirty Dozen and Rosemary's Baby, but he is easily one of the ten greatest directors of all time. I must admit that before the Criterion box set of his work that I did not know very much about him. But the set was amazing; I recommend going out and buying it ASAP as it is worth double the listing price.

I took The Decalogue out of my top 10 a while ago, as I felt I wanted to watch it in its entirety once more before I give it such high praise. After viewing individual episodes, for the MFA review, I was a little dissapointed, but remembered the greatness lied in the piece as a whole. Alas, I still have not rewatched it due to its mammath length.


"I could dance with you until the cows come home...on second thought I'd rather dance with the cows when you come home."

Groucho Marx - Duck Soup


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