Originally Posted by Evita
True Lou nobody trusted anyone and didn't care about the collateral damage be it were defenseless, truly innocent victims
No honor among thieves

I reckon, comparing Vito and Michael is apples and oranges Vito's criminal world Michael's “legitimate” world
Times have changed. It's not like the Old Days -- when we can do anything we want

I reckon, Vito the evil, ruthless, murderous original villain is seen through rose-colored glasses

As we debated in Criminality and legitimacy thread
“He dispensed [his] “justice” to fellow Sicilians who shared his values and demanded friendship, loyalty and respect in return” always with a caveat

1. Killed Fanucci
2. Bandleader's signature or brains for his Godson's contract release
3. made Bonasera grovel when he insulted Vito by offering him money
4. Killed Khartoum for his Godson's Movie part
5. Killed, a senile, Don Ciccio living out his last days other side of the world no threat to the Corleones
6. Trusted Tessio set his son up to be murdered

We debate Fredo's murder but he did exactly the same and would have been just as horrific and guilty of fratricide if Michael had been killed He was complicit in trying to get his brother killed for personal gain arguably the Donship, Fredo so coveted, Don Fredo Corleone

Fredo unlike Michael no remorse no regret

Michael Oh! What a brother! showed understanding "mercy and forgiveness" to Fredo until Fredo's boathouse outburst, gave him a pass

. Completely disagree. There really is no comparison between Mike and Vito. There also is no excuse for murdering his brother. Mike himself admitted that Fredo didn’t know they were trying to kill him. Look I understand it’s hard not to root for or excuse the evil acts of a main character I totally get it. However it’s simply the facts

Last edited by JCrusher; 12/30/23 10:44 PM.