Speaking about women associates from the old days....during the 1920's and 30's Chicago racketeer and long time associate of the Capone Mob, Dennis “The Duke” Cooney, ran all of the brothels on the city’s South Side for the Capone mob and his headquarters was a hotel known as “The Rex” which was one of the worst joints in town. Cooney's overseer of the prostitution business was Madam Victoria “Vic” Shaw. She was Chicago’s most fabulous parlor-house madam and vice queen who worked strictly for the Capone Mob. In fact, Shaw inherited everything from her late husband Roy Jones, who in turn previously worked for one of Chicago’s first “big time” Italian crime bosses, known as Jim Colosimo, back in the 1890’s and 1900's. Shaw was also a heavy narcotics user and she often made “company” to her workers in getting “stoned” together. Story goes that she was introduced to the “racket” since young age. And on top of that, many of her costumers were simple pharmacists or doctors, who in turn instead of paying her with cash for the services of her girls, sometimes they simply supplied her with the needed products such as heroin and cocaine, and like everything else, slowly the activity turned into a lucrative racket. Besides selling dope in their brothels, Cooney and Shaw decided to use the already existing bootlegging routes to smuggle some of the dope like for example from Canada, through Detroit and then to Chicago. Back in 1927, Shaw was arrested for selling morphine and one year later she was again arrested but this time in Canada on charges for smuggling narcotics and she was quickly deported by the local authorities. Back home, with Cooney’s help, all charges against her were dismissed. After that, Shaw flew successfully under the government’s radar for more than a decade or until 1941, when she was again arrested for selling $10,000 worth of narcotics and was sentenced to 5 years in prison and later in 1951, Shaw died at the age of 89.

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good