Originally Posted by Giacalone
Originally Posted by Serpiente
Originally Posted by Giacalone
Originally Posted by Serpiente
Skinny is a murder and a thief and an extortionist( allegedly )and many many more things …. Don’t ever put him on a pedestal like what has been happening … Skinny will do anything for Skinny even sack like he has compassion for young black kids … FORGETABOUTIT !!!


That podcast of his caters to lowlifes. I feel like I need a shower every time I listen to that miserable man lol

For sure … and the guys left in Philly should be stepping to him like NY guys are because like Toodoped said he is going to slip up … and it may get edited out but he is going to slip up and he will take down a lot of guys when it happens.

If he were to slip up, it would be the least surprising news of the year. What amazes me is how many people say he's smart. What is so smart about spending most of your adult life behind bars? If our role models are people like Joey Merlino, there is no hope for this country

. Agreed. The word smart and Joey Merlino don’t go well together lol.