Originally Posted by Liggio
These rats like Gene Borrello and John Alite keep popping up in my news feed always wearing nice name brand clothes, going places, and never working. I'm jealous, like really jealous. Maybe I should've became an associate of organized crime and ratted on my "friends." Did they really make enough money as associates to where they never have to work again, and all they have time to do is flaunt designer clothes and brag about how nobody will touch them on Instagram?

I’m curious how they’re really living. Yes the have some fancy threads for when they’re on camera. They might all be living an a one bedroom apartment somewhere.
Where else is Borello living? He’s either living with family or a cheap apartment. You can tell he never saved a nickel, he would have not gotten huge money for his book being it’s his first one and he wasn’t even a made guy.
My guess is he gets clothes bought for him.
John Aliar, his name is a little bigger but he seems to do more things, acting for example. But I beg he also doesn’t have a lot of money. I bet he earns a little here and a little there and I bet he saved a little bit of his criminal earnings.

Other guys like Scars and Ruggerio, I picture them having saved some of their money, plus they were higher level and bigger earners than Alite and Borello.

I don’t have evidence of any of this, just my opinion.