Palermo, drugs at Vucciria with the approval of the bosses: nine arrests
by Riccardo Lo Verso
JANUARY 23, 2024, 09:34

PALERMO – In the Vucciria jungle you can find drugs of all kinds. Cocaine, crack, hashish and marijuana. The narcotics supply chain reeks of the mafia in the neighborhood made famous by the hand of Renato Guttuso. During the night , a blitz , yet another, by the Carabinieri of the provincial command wipes out the criminal association that would have managed the business: from supply to drug dealing.

Nine people were arrested, eight ended up in prison and one under house arrest ( HERE THE NAMES ). The judge for preliminary investigations applied the obligation to report to the barracks on a woman at the request of the Palermo Prosecutor's Office. The pushers passed around a cell phone for orders. The coded drug was called “beer” or “car.”

Mafia control
Alcohol and drugs, a mix that appeals to those who crowd the historic market area which at night turns into a smelly pocket. Those who deal in Vucciria have always had to be authorized by the Porta Nuova bosses . On all the Lo Presti and Di Giovanni . Until 2022, according to the reconstruction of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, Leonardo Marino would have been managing the square, arrested in the blitz called "Vento" and now reached by a new precautionary custody order. The operation revealed the role of Giuseppe Incontrera killed by gunshots at Zisa in June 2022. His killer was sentenced to life imprisonment in recent days . Marino is the nephew of Teresa, wife of the boss Tommaso Lo Presti and who also ended up in legal trouble a few years ago.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"