Originally Posted by CNote
Yeah well those two points aren't mutually exclusive, but that's clearly beyond your grasp. Not only that, but you should check your facts before posting. Edta is filtered out of your system by your kidneys, so the premise that the edta in the blood samples was there previously to being in a test tube is laughable. I'm surprised you didn't put it on Poochie.
lol lol lol

I love that you want to argue about EDTA in the OJ case when everyone with a brain cell knows how irrelevant it ultimately was.

Now, what is laughable is the fact that you aren't aware that EDTA can be detectable if you consumed certain processed foods. You are in some denial if you believe that even the lowest possible concentration can only mean that it came from a test tube lol

In general, the half-life of EDTA in the body ranges from a few hours to an entire day.

Not to mention, if someone were to regularly consume processed foods containing EDTA, the body's ability to eliminate EDTA would become saturated, leading to even longer clearance times.

In this case, it was never even proven that any EDTA had been present. Back then, the technology was laughably outdated compared to what we have today. Yet, people who like to address you as "homie" think this is a matter worth arguing lol

But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way
Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away