Originally Posted by MafiaStudent
Originally Posted by DiLorenzo
Originally Posted by MafiaStudent
Originally Posted by DiLorenzo
What normal young fella has 18 hours a day to google gangsters and then go and post on forums all day long???

Get a life bro...Or god forbid, get a job !!

And we all know Mafia Student is your 2nd account...That's how pathetic you are !!!

DiLorenzo. You've been here long enough to know that these are two separate accounts and we are not the same person. So, quit with the shit.

Then why do you both share the same YouTube videos in your profile pics ???

We don't. Mine is the new BG logo with Mob Fireside Chat American Mafia History and his is the Button Guys NYM - The Other Guy. We've changed logos over the years. My profile pic is our current logo. His profile pic is our old social media profile pic.

Or are you talking about our signature here on GBB? In that case, it's because we are partners in the website and our offshoot YouTube podcast so, of course, we're going to put our website and channel in our signature.