Spanish police say they have re-arrested British criminal Brian Charrington on suspicion of running a major cocaine network. According to the police, he imported large quantities of cocaine and distributed them along the coast from Barcelona to Valencia. The Dutch police also took part in the investigation. Charrington had also been arrested and tried in 2018.

Brian Charrington from Northeast England (1956) has a criminal history of more than thirty years. He became known as “Wikipedia Narco” because he probably painstakingly corrected and updated his Wikipedia page himself.

He was once an associate of the English gangster Curtis Warren, who spent a considerable amount of time in the Netherlands in the Extra Secure Institution (EBI) in Vught. In 2018, Charrington was sentenced to 15 years in prison in Spain for cocaine trafficking.

After that verdict, he had been free for some time.

The new suspicion concerns, among other things, a shipment of 1,165 kilos of cocaine that was seized on a sailing boat that sailed from Suriname to Valencia and was intercepted near the Canary Islands. Police foiled a second attempt to ship a ton of cocaine by sailboat.

A total of 31 arrests and 23 searches were made, with assets worth ten million euros seized.

After the operational work, 1,165 kilos of cocaine were seized, hidden in the boats. During the course of the investigation, more than 300 surveillance operations were conducted and more than 100 telephone lines were intercepted.

Upon his arrest, Charrington confronted officers with a shotgun, but ultimately surrendered without violence.

Among the assets seized in the searches are three boats worth 4,200,000 euros, 44 cars, 40 expensive watches, 60 works of art, 54 mobile phones, a virtual cryptocurrency wallet and three guns.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"