Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
[quote] (I've never met anybody as racist as the people in this movie,
I found that odd in your post, but as for me, I've seen much, much worse racism then the movie showed. Bullock's character in particular was very realistic, as was Ludacris'. I don't know any racist cops, but I have met people worse then him, but that's just me.

As for Chocolate Factory, it was great, although not as good as reviews led me to believe. I felt it was a little over the top at times, and sometimes the play on words got annoying, but those are just my thoughts.
[/quote]I've met racist people, but not people who think that because a Mexican made a copy of their key that he will automatically come and break into their house. Or people who blame a car accident on Asians (or something like this; in the beginning scene, but my mind is a little blurry on it). Some of these people's existence seems solely based upon race and racism. It really isn't believable at all.

The point of CATCF is that it is to be over-the-top and grandiose; it's not exactly realistic, but Burton creates his own world where it is much more believable than the events of Crash, which take place in our own.

"I could dance with you until the cows come home...on second thought I'd rather dance with the cows when you come home."

Groucho Marx - Duck Soup


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