Camorra: fugitive boss Francesco Abbinante captured
AMTwo thousand May 10, 2024
The fugitive boss Francesco Abbinante, who escaped capture six months ago, was captured : he was hiding in a house. Carabinieri personnel of the Napoli Stella Company, assisted in the executive phase by those of the Naples Investigative Unit, following uninterrupted investigative activity coordinated by the Naples District Anti-Mafia Directorate, have traced and implemented a precautionary measure in prison against by Francesco Abbinante , 25 years old. Having escaped capture ordered by the Court of Naples following activities directed by the DDA on 7 November, the 25-year-old is believed to be the current regent of the Abbinante clan. In that operation, 37 people under investigation for criminal association aimed at extortion and drug trafficking, belonging to the Abbinante clan, were involved, while the 25-year-old was declared a fugitive on 9 January 2024. The man was tracked down in the municipality of Castel Volturno (Caserta ) and it was only when he entered the house where he was.

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