Netherlands: Coalition parties introduce stricter migration and integration measures
Flag of Netherlands
After months of negotiation, 4 political parties in the Netherlands have reached a coalition agreement. They presented 10 key points which include strict asylum reforms and integration requirements, and instigated a temporary 'Asylum Crisis Law' allowing for far-reaching actions on migration.

The key points from the coalition agreement are as follows:

The indefinite asylum permit will be abolished, and requirements for the temporary residence permit will be tightened.
Asylum seekers whose claims have been rejected are to be deported as often as possible, including through forced measures.
Those with refugee status will no longer receive priority in allocation of social rental housing.
Automatic family reunification will no longer be possible.
The 'asylum seeker dispersal law' will be repealed. The law aimed to distribute asylum seekers and refugees more evenly across the country, preventing certain municipalities or regions from disproportionately accommodating asylum seekers.
Additional obligations on integration include:

extension of the standard naturalisation period to 10 years, regardless of the type of residence permit;
foreigners seeking Dutch nationality must, if possible, renounce their original nationality;
the language requirement for naturalisation is raised to level B1;
'integration' includes knowledge about the Holocaust and its victims.

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