I became Catholic in 2019 and thought just Fridays during Lent were the only days you had to abstain from meat. Even before becoming Catholic i followed this. Shortly after becoming Catholic, my priest told me you really should do it every Friday. But after asking others around they told me no, that's not necessarily true. After getting a run around on the Internet I have finally decided to make it interesting.

Here's what I do.
Fridays during Lent = no meat at all whatsoever. Not even artificial meat.
Fridays after Lent but before below = meat allowed but sensibly. I try to avoid red meat and also try not to eat meat until sunset standard time.*
Fridays 4 months before Easter but before Lent = no meat except artificial meat.

*Daylight Savings Time wasn't around in the old days (when Jesus was around), so therefore I have this one hour before sunset during Daylight Savings Time. During standard time, then must wait until sunset but these days that's like at 5pm and 6pm.
**Artificial Meat means like Pepperoni flavored chips

***if a special event is taking place on a Friday, I'll swap it with another day where I'll follow these rules. This might include a birthday dinner or going to a baseball game where hot dogs would be sold.

Hope everyone found this interesting

Hey there buddy, What’s Up? Patricia told us you were coming. My name is Luke and I’m team hoarden all the way. I ain’t no bad hombre. Everybody’s gonna tell you I got a big mouth though. I spoil the endings to movies. -Dennis from GLASS

Hey, can we keep it under 60? I’m still trying to pay for all this dental work. -Simon from TRUE LIES