This is a delicate, sensitive, touchy and volatile subject and the last thing I want is treading on anyone's toes

It is easy for us to armchair debate from an Island Continent [not without our own problems but no full scale war] thousands of miles away. Apologies in advance if any -- is out of line and I shall stand corrected please

We have been to Israel and have nothing but only great things to say about Israel. It was magical! the Switzerland of the Middle East

I might add, every country including the Arab countries we have visited is great and has a beauty of it's own

It is horrible that nothing has been learnt from our previous horrible war history, still wars going on around the world
Every life is equally precious

Can't believe everything we read / see even from the supposedly reputed News Agencies -- source is Hamas! even Israeli state media... Reporters' vying to be the first to report and their knee-jerk assumptions taint facts even the photos at times are doubtful as regards truth or validity