The late spring 2020 murder of Bobby (Boo Boo) English, Jr. in Chicago’s South Austin neighborhood on the far westside could be the most-recent Chicago Outfit-related slaying. He was shot dead behind the wheel driving in his car on West Flournoy Street on the afternoon of May 31, 2020. His dad is the notorious incarcerated Cicero gang boss, Bobby (The Tasmanian Devil) English, who headed the 12th Street Players gang in Cicero in the 1990s and 2000s.

There are persistent rumors regarding “Taz” English, 48, and his reaction to the murder of his baby bro, generating rampant speculation regarding, what, if any, ripple effects, it will end up having on the street in the coming years. The elder English is finishing a 20-to-25-year prison term for attempted felony murder and is scheduled for release in 2032. Some people claim the murder contract placed on “Boo Boo” English Jr.’s head came from 12th Street Players shot callers. Over the past two decades, per sources, the 12th Street Players has turned into a JV-mafia breeding ground for current and future Outfit shot callers and button men in the hallowed Cicero mob regime that goes all the way back to the days of Al Capone and the Beer Wars during the Prohibition Era.

What Taz English’s status is currently within the 12th Street Players gang is unknown at this time. However, the reputation he possesses as fearlessness, ferocity and willing-to-die for a cause he truly believes in remains firm as ever though, per sources in contact with him.

Three different sources claim 24-year old Boo Boo English, Jr. was killed for a combination of issues, a business-deal beef between the young hoodlum and a 12th Street Player-turned-Outfit soldier regarding a piece of real estate, robbing rival dope houses and 12th Street Players-connected stash spots alike despite warnings to pump the brakes and the belief by some he was cooperating with police. Two of these sources say the order to whack English, Jr. was given by former 12th Street Players now exerting power and influence in the official Chicago mafia pecking order, having risen to the highest levels of the Cicero crew.

Taz English was locked up for the 2009 attempted murder and home-invasion robbery of a Rolling Meadows man who had just won $100,000 in the Illinois State Lottery. He’s doing the rest of his prison time in Ohio (on loan from Illinois). During his years in state prison in Illinois, English displayed savage-like behavior and spent large chunks of time in segregation as punishment for assaulting guards, staff and enemy inmates from rival crews and gangs.

The last slate of Chicago mob hits most likely occurred the year 2009, when three alleged Outfit associates were either murdered in cold blood or disappeared off the face of the earth; Anthony Catapano went missing on March 25, Norberto (The Tank) Velez was shot to death in the hallway of his Northside apartment building on Thanksgiving and Mike De Filippis was stabbed to death inside his Montclaire neighborhood apartment in the early hours of Christmas Eve. Catapano allegedly ripped off the Cicero crew in a cocaine deal, Velez, a collector for the Grand Avenue crew, allegedly fell in debt himself and was suspected of skimming, while De Filippis was weeks away from going on trial for narcotics trafficking.

Last edited by RushStreet; 05/30/24 05:47 PM.