Originally Posted by Lou_Para
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Now THIS is truly a great riddle!...

The envy of many a surgeon, I always succeed.
I use neither scalpel, nor stitch, but am often the greatest of needs.
Not your dollar, nor cent, as many believe,
And you might say I depart first class…whenever I leave.
In urgency, you often refer to my height.
I am the abundance of many a prisoner, their focus and activity each day and night.
I admit to being impatient, if you know what I mean,
And perhaps never will I ever be subject to your elusive machine.

What am I?


Thats correct, Lou. Good call..
And here's an explanation of it...

....I am Time.

-Time, unlike surgeons has a 100% 'success rate' being that it is said that 'Time heals all wounds.'

-Also, Time uses no scalpel, stitches to close these wounds, (referring to physical wounds here), but it is often the greatest of needs for the healing process.

-Here Time opposes the common expression 'Time is money.' (It really isn't).

-When you think of leaving by way of 'first class' you think flight. So it is with Time. 'Time flies.'

-When a matter is urgent, many say 'Time is short,' short being a term used in reference to one's height.

-People in prison are referred to as 'doing Time' and many of them have lots of it!

-How is Time 'impatient'? Well, 'Time waits for no man.'

-Perhaps Time will never be made subject to a Time Machine. But, then again, who knows?