Mapping which countries recognise Palestine in 2024
Source: Al Jazeera 28 May 2024

As at May 2024 -- 143 of the 193 members of the United Nations General Assembly voted in favour of Palestine joining the UN, something only states can do.

Most of the Middle East, Africa and Asia recognise Palestinian statehood.
However, the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea and many Western European states do not.

In 2011, despite Palestine’s failure to join the UN after campaigning for full membership, UNESCO granted the Palestinians full membership in the UN cultural agency, leading the US to defund the body.

In 2012, the General Assembly voted in favour of changing Palestine’s status to “non-member observer state”, and in 2015, the International Criminal Court recognised Palestine as a party.

The countries who have recognised Palestine this year 2024 in addition to Spain, Ireland and Norway are the Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Barbados.

In 2014 Sweden became the first country in Western Europe to recognise Palestine.

Originally Posted by Hollander
Originally Posted by Capri
Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognize Palestine as a state
Should have waited until hostages released How many still alive

absurd having to negotiate with terrorist organization

Palestine is no state lol, not even close. I do agree they deserve a well led government.
Sure thing Palestine deserve an independent government but the timing to recognise Palestinian statehood --
However what are they recognising? as also questioned by US Senator for South Carolina Lindsey Graham

'Here's My Question' To Spain, Norway And Ireland For Recognizing Palestinian State
Lindsey Graham - Forbes Breaking News 22 May 2024

'There's Never Been A Country Or State Called Palestine':
US Florida Governor Ron DeSantis - Forbes Breaking News 14 May 2024

Some in International political world have condemned the recognition and labelled it as rewarding terrorism

and the hypocrisy of Spain -- when is Spain going to recognise Catalonia and Basque statehoods
also Irish Christians reportedly do not support the recognition

South Africa should clean up their own backyard first instead of action against Israel
Yet no mention at all of Hamas 07 October 2023 brutal atrocities

Well, the South African people have spoken!
The incumbent African National Congress reportedly have lost their majority in the current election after 30 years

Slovenian government has approved recognising the Palestinian statehood pending Parliamentary approval, widely seen as just a formality