Originally Posted by Hollander
Extract: -- but the Palestinians should look at October 7 they brought this on themselves and I hope Israel doesn't destroy them completely they could do it in no time.
Originally Posted by Hollander
Extract: -- But hey Hamas declared war on them and wars are always ugly release all the hostages and Israel will def calm down a bit.
Originally Posted by Hollander
I agree Meyer Israel is subdued/moderated/ mild in their actions so far, but in international political world they are accused of genocide and crimes against humanity that are the worst crimes.
Israel seemingly is not the mighty and powerful it was -- among others,
1. fatal complacency
2. Mossad intelligence failure
3. asleep at the wheel 07 October 2023
4. still unable to locate the hostages How many are still alive -- sadly only retrieving bodies
5. unable to subdue / moderate / defeat Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis
6. war raging on -- coming to 8 months

It seems, Hamas has been gearing up for 16odd years in Israel's backyard Yet....

It is the innocent civilians indeed [as in other wars as well] Palestinian in particular between a rock and a hard place, paying the price

Terrorists Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis keep attacking Israel and counter attacks, more attacks but International law enforcement applies only to Israel

Some in International political world aggravating the Israel-Palestine situation by their ill-timed recognition of Palestine statehood, accusing Israel of genocide and crimes against humanity but little to no accountability of the terrorist organisations

No linking of Hamas' brutal atrocities of 07 October 2023