This was no ordinary burglary !

Burglars kill military police officer Toon (49) in the presence of his wife and child in Curaçao: 'Losing a beloved colleague'
Colleagues of military police officer Toon Brood (49), who was killed during an armed robbery in Curaçao, are deeply shocked by his death. The adjutant is known to be very sociable and well-liked. Brood was shot dead by burglars on Friday evening. His wife and child, who were also in the house, survived the violence.

Raymond Boere 01-06-24, 21:27 Last update: 02-06-24, 09:13
Brood had worked for the Royal Military Police for 23 years and spent most of his career in the Netherlands. For years he watched over the Zeeland coast with the Scheldestromen Brigade, but recently he moved to the Caribbean with his family. Since July 2022, he has been second team leader at the unit that had to strengthen border control at the airport. According to the Dutch representation in Willemstad, he was 'very committed to his work'. "We are deeply shocked," they said in a statement.

The tragic news is also hitting hard in the Netherlands. "He was a valued colleague, who was very popular because of his knowledge and social capabilities," said a spokesperson for the Marechaussee in the Netherlands.

According to the police in Curaçao, Brood was sitting with his wife on the terrace of their house in Willemstad late that evening when they heard a noise. Brood went to check and shortly afterwards the woman heard a shot. Three men then entered the house, partly masked. One of the three men had a firearm in his hand. They threatened the woman who handed over money and keys to the car. After further searching the house, they fled in the car. Ambulance staff could no longer do anything for Brood.

A child of the couple was present in the house during the robbery. It is still unclear how the child is doing. The neighbors raised the alarm when they heard the woman screaming for help just before midnight.

The police announced that the car has now been recovered. Police chief Raymond Ellis indicated that we are working hard together with the Netherlands. “We cannot allow this. We cannot tolerate this. We are working hard on it.”

The Royal Military Police says it is 'shocked and intensely sad'. "We wish his loved ones all the strength and support them," X says. Outgoing Minister of Justice and Security Dilan Yesilgöz said her thoughts are with the relatives. Kajsa Ollongren, outgoing Minister of Defense, says she is shocked by the news.

Chief officer Heiko de Jong called it a terrible incident. "It shows again that we have a major problem with illegal firearms, and we are already working hard on that. Perhaps this incident will mean that we can tackle it even more seriously and that the penalties for illegal possession of weapons can also be increased.”

"The king is dead, long live the king!"