The port of Gioia Tauro is decisive for drug trafficking: law enforcement activities and new routes
In recent months the police and the Financial Police have identified and seized loads of cocaine, worth several tens of millions of euros, with investigative developments of national and international interest
The 'ndrangheta does business with South American narcos but not only. From the activity to combat drug trafficking at the Port of Gioia Tauro, which in recent months has led to the identification and seizure of loads of drugs, in particular of the cocaine type, worth several tens of millions of euros, here new investigative developments of national and international interest emerge.

The 'Ndrangheta cliques are increasingly developing, taking root in China, Central America and Africa.

It is a clear picture that emerges from the latest seizures in the port of Gioia Tauro which continues to play a decisive role in drug trafficking.

The financiers of the provincial command of Reggio Calabria explain it well, recalling the latest operations: "In this context we represent the importance of the recent record seizure of cocaine which took place in Candidoni (RC), carried out by the carabinieri of the Gioia Tauro company which , supported by the soldiers of the "Calabria" heliborne hunting squadron, during the search operations, inside and near a shed, they found, cleverly hidden in numerous bags containing pellet fuel, 266 blocks of cocaine, for a total weight of approximately 285 kg, for a total estimated value of almost 23 million euros.
This latest seizure is among the most important ones carried out in recent years by investigators in the Gioia Tauro plain, which adds to other important operations conducted and carried out by the command of the Guardia di Finanza in the months just passed, when they were identified at inside a container 150 kilos of cocaine, found inside 5 bags of different sizes, in turn placed inside the Medu container 1898793, coming from China.

In this particular circumstance it was an important seizure which has redesigned the mapping of international drug trafficking which aims to find new channels to try, in vain, to overcome the detailed and detailed controls put in place by the forces of law and order, specifically by the investigators of the Financial Police.

The attempt to try to evade controls also failed in the case of the large-scale seizure of drugs, once again of cocaine, which occurred in May, when the drugs had been hidden inside fake bananas. In this last circumstance, the financiers of the provincial command of Reggio Calabria, as a result of complex investigations directed and coordinated by the public prosecutor's office of Reggio Calabria, have implemented a seizure order of over 250 kilos of cocaine, found inside a container from the port of Gioia Tauro coming from Ecuador.
These important discoveries of narcotic substances are chronologically the latest to occur inside the Port of Gioia Tauro, where in May 2023 a record seizure of 1,500 kilos of cocaine from West Africa took place, another channel through which attempts were made to circumvent the investigations.

Through the investigations, following the seizures of narcotics, the new routes of the South American narcos are being traced which, together with the 'Ndrangheta cliques, are increasingly developing and taking root in China, Central America and Africa.

The controls against organized crime do not stop, - highlights the provincial command of the Financial Police - with particular attention to some 'Ndrangheta families historically inserted and firmly in command in the global cocaine trafficking market".