Fear of Dutch F-16s
Russian MP threatens nuclear attack on the Netherlands: 'After that everything in Europe will be completely dead'

Updated: Today, 1:20 PMToday, 12:36abroad?
AMSTERDAM - A Russian parliamentarian has advocated on Russian state television to paralyze the European continent in one go by dropping an atomic bomb on the Netherlands. Commitments by Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren that Dutch F-16s may be used in Russian airspace are the reason for the threats, according to the former lieutenant general.

Retired Russian general Andrei Gurulev often makes absurd statements.

The chilling threat was made on Russian state television by Lieutenant General Andrei Gurulev – a member of parliament from the United Russia party – in a conversation with propagandist Vladimir Soloviev.


War rhetoric on Russian state TV: 'Throwing atomic bomb on London''

According to Gurulev, a nuclear attack would cause the dikes and dams to break, flooding the country with water. “The dams there will collapse at once, everything. The whole of the Netherlands will be flooded,” the MP claims. “One hundred percent sure that everything in Europe will be completely dead after that.”

Russian nuclear weapon
“Somewhere between 50 and 60 percent of the European fuel supply is in the Netherlands,” Gurulev claimed in the television interview. “The army calls this a big target.” Furthermore, Gurulev claims that the attack can be carried out in one day with minimal use of Russian nuclear weapons.

The MP's nuclear saber-rattling comes days after the Netherlands said it would allow the Ukrainian air force to use its 24 F-16 fighter jets to carry out attacks in Russia.

Gurulev said that two normal nuclear weapons would destroy the Netherlands. “One can be taken down, the second will reach the target. That will be enough.” He made it clear that such an attack on the Netherlands belonged to the 'target catalogue' of the Russian military machine.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"