and as for the saying that ''idf wasn't there for the all day'' or something like that that i read here
it's no true at all !!
it took couple of hours to get soldiers ready to operate because around 6K hamas militants where there killing and torturing people and holding some hostages at their homes
so it took some time to operate, it's no easy to start an operation, + an rpg hit an israeli helicopter full of soldiers who would have got there first if not, luckily nothing happend to the boys.

and the base that gurad near the border of gaza had around like 70 soldiers but they all died initially by a drone attack that cut the electricity off the base and then paragliders got inside in a surprise attack and kill them ohwell
it was all planned by iran who guide them.

what a crazy day that was, i will not forget it... the fighting was crazy ! never would imagine something like that in streets of israel shootout like that, i felt like i'm in a movie or video game