All Things Must Pass. One Girl Against The Mafia: The Fight of Rita Atria

By Thom L. Jones for Gangsters Inc.

The day after the young woman moves into the seventh floor apartment at 23 Via Amelia, she kills herself.

Forty days short of her eighteenth birthday, she slides out of the bedroom window and drops eighty feet, or more, to the pavement in the Tuscolano neighborhood of Rome.

The ground rushes up to enfold, and for the first time in years, there is peace.

It’s Sunday: The day of rest.

A few minutes after the fall this late afternoon of July 26th, 1992, emergency personnel arrive and rush her to San Giovanni Hospital, a short drive away. Although doctors struggle to save the broken body, Rita Atria is dead before six that evening.

The daughter of a Mafia boss, confusion, and chaos fill her short life, filled with the terrible uncertainty of a present and future governed by forces beyond her control. Meeting Paolo Borsellino, a magistrate who, more than anyone, understands how awful her life is unraveling, she will find in him, refuge and protection.

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