Thanks Turnbull and NYM.
Italian ingenuity
Name: Beretta
Current: Major criminals who were liquidated with a Beretta: Jan Femer (2000) and August Adjoeba (2008). Reason: it must have been the handy size, plus of course the guaranteed quality of this rock-solid Italian brand.
History: For the story of the Beretta we really have to go to the history books. As far back as the late Middle Ages, there is talk of an Italian family firm that called itself Beretta and made weapons. And what is very special, even now, after 500 years, the company is still in family hands. A history with highs and lows. To start with the latter, for example, the Beretta factory produces the weapon of the Italian fascist regime of Benito Mussolini: the Beretta 1915.
Most commonly used type: In 1975, Beretta introduced its first 9mm pistol: the Beretta 92. That weapon is still the most used 'self-loading' pistol in police forces around the world. Today, about 1,500 Berettas roll off the production lines every day. The Italian family business also has a large number of subsidiaries, including Benelli, Franchi, Sako, Stoeger, Tikka, Uberti, Burris Optics and a 20 percent share in Browning firearms.
Browning is another respectable brand that builds quality weapons. I know that shotguns made by Browning are very popular. They're made in Belgium, correct, Hollander?