The Stidda reorganized itself and aimed to kill repentants, arrests were made in the Ragusa area
Karim El Sadi 08 June 2024
In Vittoria, the prosecutors Ardita and Fragalà stopped in its tracks the attempt to reorganize the historic rival organization of the mafia
Once a rival of Cosa Nostra, now a strong organization that conducts its business independently in the South East of Sicily, Stidda has recently made headlines again. The police investigations, coordinated by the Catania DDA, discovered and stopped Stidda's attempt to structurally reorganize itself in its tracks. The Ragusa flying squad and the Vittoria police station arrested three people yesterday following orders from the investigating judge. They are Biagio Cannizzo, Raffaele Giunta and Alessandro Pardo . While a fourth suspect is at large. The deputy prosecutor of Catania Sebastiano Ardita and the deputy Gabriele Fragalà accuse them of mafia association. Cannizzo (who at the time of his arrest was found in possession of a 357 Magnum, with abraded serial number and several bullets) and Giunta are also under investigation for the attempted murder of the former justice collaborator Roberto Di Martino , who on 25 April had been wounded in Vittoria , in the cemetery area, with two gunshots fired in the direction of the neck and face. According to the investigators, in fact, there was a plan by the new Stidda to eliminate some justice collaborators who had returned to live in the province of Ragusa.

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