Oli, I think my namesake, not Fredo, tipped off Geary. In the Geary/Michael confrontation at Anthony's party, after Geary tells Michael that his move on the Tropigala will have the problem of the license being in Klingman's name, Michael's immediate reply is, "Turnbull's a good man." Geary's last words to Michael, after insulting him, were:: "From now on you deal with Turnbull."
Sure thing it was “not Fredo, tipped off Geary” about moving Klingman out
also Fredo was not privy to any family business and Tom tells Geary:
It's okay. You're very lucky -- my brother Fredo operates this place, he was called before anyone
If this had happened someplace else, we couldn't've helped you..
If you could ask one questionThe registered owners are Jacob Lawrence, Allen Barclay both Beverly Hills Attorneys
The real owners are the old Lakeville Road group from Cleveland and Roth
Meyer Klingman, the licensee runs the store, a piece of it, too
It is not rocket science! for Geary to figure if Michael is interested in the casino, he has to move someone out and to get the license it had to be Klingman