Blitz against the 'ndrangheta in Turin: eight arrests

Since the first light of dawn in Turin and its province, a maxi-police operation has been underway in execution of a precautionary custody order against eight people held responsible, in various capacities, for extortion, kidnapping, private violence, possession and possession of a common firearm and personal injury, aggravated by the mafia method . The precautionary custody order was issued by the investigating judge of the Court of Turin, upon request from the local Public Prosecutor's Office - District Anti-Mafia Directorate. Among the people arrested there is also Giacomo Lo Surdo , who already ended up in handcuffs in the "Minotauro" operation and accused of extortion with the mafia as an aggravating factor. A well-known figure in the Turin 'Ndrangheta scene and former leader of the Juventus organized support group "Arditi ". All those arrested are now in prison in Turin. In the Prosecutor's Office, the case was entrusted to the deputy prosecutor Manuela Pedrotta .

Arrests carried out after an investigation by the Investigative Section of Turin against Francesco Ferrara, 48 years old from Rosta, "king of the Christmas markets" and also active in the coffee sector and in the organization of large food and wine events , owner of numerous business. The investigations revealed that he was closely associated with leading elements of the Turin 'Ndrangheta. Ferrara, protected by top exponents of organized crime, exercised strong intimidation towards his collaborators, creditors and debtors which often culminated in violent acts and threats , choosing the most suitable "friends" based on the victim's profile. One of the most striking episodes, towards a former collaborator, who had requested through legal action the payment of 20 thousand euros in commissions for the activity carried out. A real ambush was organized against him to force him to give up legal action. The victim was beaten and threatened with a rope around his neck and deprived of personal freedom. Similar mafia methods were used to force other victims to comply with the requests of the 48-year-old Ferrara, who made use of the collaboration of members of the 'Ndrangheta or common crime.