Originally Posted by NYMafia

Originally Posted by RushStreet
Counterfeiting was their big money maker in all of this, especially in Northern Illinois and thats why they are being tried there.

Rush, 4 Million transactions between buyers and sellers, representing over $430 Million dollars in services generated from around the world...thats unprecedented!

Not only counterfeiting (which I'm sure was huge,) but all kinds of narcotics and other drugs, which I'm certain represented a big chunk of these sales also. Narcotics are usually very big business over the "dark web" too.

The authorities seized over $75-Million in assets also. Thats really big time stuff! No penny-ante action with these guys.

And I suspect the reason why the case was brought in the Northern District of Illinois is because thats where the conspiracy probably started. (thats typical of how jurisdiction works.)

How do these dark web guys ship drugs without it being detected? Isn't it more risky for the buyer than the seller considering they are accepting illegal drugs being delivered to their home?