Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by DiLorenzo
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by DiLorenzo
I know you're watching, so I'll stay 20 minutes more for you to respond

Your opinion matters...Not to me, mind you. But I'm sure someone, somewhere out there, cares at least a little bit. LOL

If my opinion didn't mean anything to you, why did you did you respond 15 times while I was away and ask where I was ???

You're not too good at this game young fella

What????? LOL

And I'll quote you: "Why did you did you respond....................., etc. etc." LOL. LOL. LOL.

Looks like I got you "stuttering" now, huh? LOL

(Thats about right) LOL

Yeah, why did you keep asking for me for 2 pages if I was nobody...You denying that now ??

Stuttering where ?? LOL...Pathetic and Desperate Response...

Google Boy hates that he knows that others know better then him, and he's called out and cant make money off of suckers !!!