Originally Posted by Turnbull
Originally Posted by MeyerLansky
Originally Posted by dixiemafia

But I figured it would show all the innocent people being killed over there for minding their own business?!

''minding their own business'' oh really... i never knew that hiding israeli hostages meaning ''minding their own business''... nice to know... it's very innocent act indeed...

No one ever holds Palestinians accountable for their Jew-hatred--and the disastrous consequences they bring on themselves because of it:

After Arafat died (leaving his family in Switzerland richer by the $900 million he embezzled from his own people), Israel turned over Gaza to the Palestinian Authority--removing ~9k Jewish settlers, some of them forcibly. Within a week, Palestinians held free elections. They turned out the Palestinian Authority and voted in Hamas, a fundamentalist terrorist organization, because Hamas promised to "destroy Israel." They cheered when Hamas rained thousands of rockets on Israel, and launched several wars. They cheered more loudly on Oct. 7, when Hamas slaughtered 1,200 Israeli civilians, and took hostages that they tortured, sexually abused and killed. Did they think Israel would let this happen without responding with superior force to protect their people? If a terrorist organization won an election in southern Canada or northern Mexico, and slaughtered Americans in Michigan or Texas, how would any of us respond?

Palestinians allow Hamas to blend in among them, permit Hamas to build tunnels and command posts in mosques, hospitals and schools, and use them as human shields.Yahya Sinwar, their military leader, says Palestinian civilian deaths are “necessary sacrifices” in the wars with Israel. Yet they continue to claim to be "innocent victims" when Israel defends its people against Hamas, as if they had no part in helping Hamas.

Three of the recently rescued hostages were being held in the home of a prominent Palestinian physician who is a fervent Hamas supporter. Did he think there'd be no consequences for him, his family and his home when Israeli commandos came to their rescue? Did he expect the Israelis to ring his doorbell and politely ask him to free the hostages?

true ! thank you !