and this is only hezbollah that we are talking about !
what about other iranian proxies who will step in like hezbollah leader nasrallah said ?!
they have :
Kataib Hezbollah
Asaib Ahl al Haq
Badr Organization
Zaynabiyoun Brigade
Al-Ashtar Brigades

how israel will be able to defend against all of those in an all out attack !? impossible !!!!
iran is committing suicide in order to erase israel and the jewish people off the planet, and it looks like their plan is going right, because i don't see us israel defeding against it, as i said hamas are clowns !
those other proxies are 100X stronger and better, they will make the 7/10 looks like a walk in the park...
i hope someone will stop it because it's going to be bad for us !