Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by RushStreet
Great write up Toodoped.

It is surprising to me really how average of a dresser Aiuppa was on a daily basis. He dressed like he may as well have been living in the country on a farm somewhere in a rural area. If you were to cross paths with him say at a gas station off the highway and you didn't know who he was, no one would have ever thought he was a wiseguy. You would have thought he was one of the local farmers instead.

Thanks @Rush.

Yeah, I also agree regarding Aiuppa's appearance, especially his pants being pulled up all the way to his neck lol, but believe it or not still during his younger days he was allegedly a "ladies man"

For example, in the following pic he looks quite "cool" for me personally...

[Linked Image]

Yes when he was younger he was a really great dresser. Dressed the part as a wiseguy.

Seems to me that a lot of outfit guys even today don't dress like wise guys. You know how the guys out in New York do? I think lots of the reason is because its the midwest and many of them are extremely blue collar. New York when it comes to fashion is much different.

Last edited by RushStreet; 06/25/24 08:27 AM.