Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by RushStreet

Yes when he was younger he was a really great dresser. Dressed the part as a wiseguy.

Seems to me that a lot of outfit guys even today don't dress like wise guys. You know how the guys out in New York do? I think lots of the reason is because its the midwest and many of them are extremely blue collar. New York when it comes to fashion is much different.

I think I agree again, although the midwest also had its own share of sharp dressers during certain time periods (Capone, Giancana, Zerilli from Detroit, the Clown Lombardo, Alex etc.) but today its different. And its not just the Mafia, but in huge corporations also. When I got employed almost 16 years ago, me and everyone else who had outside contacts with buyers and business partners, had to wear a suit, tie, belt and shoes. Today, everyone wears what they want since everyone cares only about numbers. They have tattoos on their hands and necks, and they look like they just came in for a beer and few funny chats. I still wear a suit, a vest, a tie with clip, and believe it or not, by the end of the day one of those retards will ask you "how can you wear a suit when its so hot outside?" lol

Originally Posted by British
Always thought he was an interesting character and under rated.


Toodoped glad you see and share the same experiences.

Let me be clear so someone on here doesn't take my comment in regards to fashion the wrong way. Am I expecting mob guys to dress in suits and fedora hats anymore on a daily basis? No, thats not even the style anymore in 2024 and I don't even expect anyone to dress that way on the streets. Out to dinner at a nice restaurant or going out on a date with your wife or girlfriend, well a nice suit never will go out of style. Don't even have to wear a tie either if you don't feel like it.

But at least have enough care in yourself to put on a pair of clean trousers and a polo or button down with a pair of nice jeans. Just make sure to always remember the pair of shoes you wear is just as important.

Dress shorts in the summer with a nice pair of slip ons are always look good and are practical for daily wear as well.

Nice Gym wear is fine too in my honest opinion if you are just walking around the neighborhood.

Oh and one last thing, a true wiseguy always goes out of the house in the morning with a clean shave! If you want to have facial hair, make sure you maintain it! No one wants to see a wiseguy look like Grizzly Adams.

Last edited by RushStreet; 06/25/24 11:45 AM.