I see it differently -- rightly or wrongly....

It is their own convenient interpretations of the Qur'an by some Imams, Ayatollahs and other religious / political leaders as suit them, projecting 'Jihadist' ideologues, claiming their battle is waged in the service of God: love what God loves and hate what God hates
No God of any religion hates anyone or anything. Every God preaches only Love and Peace

These religious / political leaders are brain-washing and radicalizing their followers. Gross abuse of their 'power'
Unfortunately, these brain-washed and indoctrinated people then follow this propaganda, hate-filled teachings, blindly and literally perhaps as intended

No God of any religion advocates, among others [in no particular order]
1. Violence endless violence
2. murders -- Go and kill
3. indiscriminate bombings, destruction
4. untold suffering
5. abhorrent punishment
6. Treatment of women as inferior human beings
7. ever-escalating cycle of antisemitism, terrorism
8. hatred of an entire race
9. taking of hostages
10. annihilation of an entire nation