
'Ndrangheta, Vincenzo Pasquino begins to collaborate. Stories about drug trafficking: "Those who do not respect the rules risk being killed"
The minutes filed in the “Eureka” trial. Pasquino was captured in 2021 together with the super boss of 'ndrangheta Rocco Morabito

REGGIO CALABRIA He was captured in 2021 together with the super boss of 'ndrangheta Rocco Morabito. Now Vincenzo Pasquino, born in '90, born and raised in Turin , but considered a leading member of the Calabrian criminal organization, has decided to collaborate with justice . The minutes containing the statements made before the magistrates of the DDA of Reggio Calabria Giuseppe Lombardo and Diego Capece Minutolo were filed during the "Eureka" trial underway in Locri in ordinary and in Reggio Calabria in abbreviated. The maxi operation saw the cooperation of the DDA of Reggio Calabria, Milan and Genoa, of the investigators of Germany, Belgium and Portugal and dismantled a transnational organization dedicated to money laundering, drug trafficking and arms throughout the world, hitting in particular the Nirta-Strangio clans of San Luca and Morabito of Africo . The investigation, according to what has emerged, has reached the highest levels of the criminal organization, also allowing us to reconstruct the fugitive status of the super boss Rocco Morabito , known as “Tamunga” after his escape from prison in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 2019.
The "rules" of drug trafficking are in the minutes
«A Calabrian family that sends a load of cocaine to Gioia Tauro is required to inform the other families. Only if important families are not interested in purchasing a share of the cargo can it be offered to other people. Anyone who does not respect this rule risks being killed or being "stripped" in the sense of being ousted from any business or being deprived of protection ", said Vincenzo Pasquino, who, speaking of his relationships with the 'Ndrangheta families, explained: «The relationships between my group and the Nirta di San Luca began in 2017 because we needed a "climb" from the ports of Brazil (...) After the rift between us and the Platiotes, which I talked about in a previous report (... ) asked us to find serious people to work with. It is at this moment, as I have already explained, that relations with Nirta's group began." And again: «My job was to guarantee the passage of the money. 50% of the cocaine (...) that arrived in Gioia Tauro was sold by the San Luca group (mainly in Northern Italy and Sicily) (...) sold the cocaine to us at 5000/5500 Euros per kg, which became 7,500/7,000 Euros with the price of salida."
«We had to turn drugs into tiles»
Going into the details of a drug shipment, the former fugitive then recounts: «On that occasion (…) he told me that some Colombians had money from some of his Calabrian relatives who live in Australia and then asked me if we had the possibility of shipping cocaine to Australia, passing through Singapore. I spoke with them, we made a group with the Australian PGP chats where I was (…) the Australians spoke in English. We were supposed to take the drugs from the Colombians who were in contact with the Australians and transform them into bricks measuring one meter by one meter. It was cocaine in blocks (they sent a photo of the drugs which had the “MTM” or perhaps “TMT” mark in brown packages) . The problem, however, arose from the fact that to transform the blocks into bricks, the goods would have had to be crushed, with the risk that they would have turned into chalk, while in Australia only the “flakes” are required . At this point I proposed not to transform the drugs and to send them as they were to Goia Tauro in a load of bananas». "People from (...) - he concludes - went to Guayakquil to get the drugs from the Colombians. I had contact with them through SkyEcc to organize the delivery but I don't remember their nickname. I worked with them only on that occasion". (