When it comes to Organized Crime Though compared to
regular Italian families who go from Vincent to James is kinda Strange are they Embarrassed that
They are Italian and try to fit in Better with other Ethnicities ? And when it comes to Organized Crime Standards there a lot of Vincent’s that are Called Jimmy ? I
Don’t know if it’s to Fuck with the Feds for surveillance Purposes cause Vinnie I prefer the IE cause with a Y it looks Strange it’s not like Anthony or Freddy ETC but To me a Vincent is a Vinnie and I don’t understand Why Families would do that other what I
Just said and to me I find
More OC Guys use it Vinny instead of Vinnie the way I think looks better but to each it’s own I guess there’s only like 2 maybe 3 tops that spell it with IE and I’m making a Big Deal cause my Father and Grandfather spell it Vinnie and I don’t know it it’s how different southern Italians spell it cause it’s definitely not from northern Italian roots but being my fathers father was Neapolitan I would think more Neapolitans to Sicilians use IE but I could be wrong
Last edited by Butchie1788; 07/03/24 06:54 AM.