Dia Center Chief, Fazio: '''Ndrangheta infiltrated in deviant Masonic lodges''
Jamil El Sadi July 03, 2024
Report on the situation in the Catanzaro District presented
" The 'Ndrangheta has two faces. An archaic one, which is organized hierarchically, and one that has had the opportunity, as the investigations of the DDA of Reggio Calabria have shown, to enter deviant Masonic lodges and which, thanks to this, has become invisible ." This was stated by the head of the DIA of Catanzaro, Beniamino Fazio , speaking to journalists in Rende, on the sidelines of the presentation at the University of Calabria of the report on the situation of organized crime in the territory of the Judicial District of Catanzaro. " Precisely for this reason - added Fazio - the 'Ndrangheta has become increasingly insidious and dangerous over the years ”. That mafia organisations were infiltrated within Freemasonry has been amply demonstrated by numerous investigations that have shed light on the so-called "hinge men". As explained in several public meetings by the deputy prosecutor of Reggio Calabria Giuseppe Lombardo, today there is a high mafia that has acquired and lives by Masonic logic. " The mafia components need to interact with other areas, which can be institutional, entrepreneurial, financial, economic of various kinds. We generally indicate these areas in highly profitable sectors. It is difficult to identify within the Masonic component of the mafias a part of regular or irregular Freemasonry. Let's say that, in light of the procedural emergencies of recent years, on the profiles of irregular Freemasonry, perhaps, an in-depth study should be done. That irregular part, probably, comes into contact with a series of mafia components ".

During the meeting in Rende, Fazio underlined that " the number of murders has decreased " but " the dangerousness of the 'Ndrangheta has not diminished. The significant fact, rather, is that there is a smaller response from civil society. The 'Ndrangheta has become dangerous because there is a systematic underestimation of its strength at the level of public opinion. The murders are only a form of settlement between clans. This is why the Calabrian criminal organization has silently introduced itself into the social and economic fabric of the region ".
The money laundering activity is carried out through the purchase of luxury goods and the start-up of businesses, in particular, in the catering and car wash sectors. " It is clear that where there is money, there is organized crime - added the DIA official -. The 'Ndrangheta is interested, in particular, in the funds provided by the Pnrr, but it also extends its tentacles to the financing for the Jubilee of 2025, for the Olympic and Paralympic Games of 2026 in Milan and for the Bridge over the Strait of Messina ”.
From the recently published half-yearly report of the DIA, it clearly emerges that the primary form of financing that the 'Ndrangheta draws on remains drugs. And this is demonstrated by the high quantities of drugs that had the port of Gioia Tauro as their logistical hub and privileged point of entry. " Drug trafficking - said Fazio - is the primary form of profit that allows the 'Ndrangheta to then invest this money in the most disparate economic activities ".


"The king is dead, long live the king!"