a great question a few posts above about the 'lake county crew' and its actual existence. i agree with those above that this crew no longer exists as it did in early 90s or at all. lake county has no action going on of any sort related to the outfit. a recurring problem i find when digging into the outfit and its territories of control is that there is sometimes a view that the outfit and its historical or former areas of control are static and unchanging and have been forever. ridiculous!!! if u believe that the outfit is still a power in lake cty then likely u believe they still control rackets in chicago hts, iowa and las vegas. with the latest gambling busts in late 2010s into early 2020s it shows more that the outfit is taking bets all across chicago, they are collecting debts across the city and outside the state of illinois but with crews based in the city. there was not, say in the carparelli case a crew based outside illinois that was collecting in florida, las vegas, wisconsin etc. it was cicero.

as to if delaurentis still holds BOSS title i would think yes. he continues the tradition of having a strong senior respected member at the top with 2-3 top guys running street ops, whatever they may be at this point. now to some points above with delaurentis' age the outfit as it has done for a longtime has a succession plan in place so when the day comes that delaurentis dies the organization will not miss a beat elevating someone to BOSS position. also likely this is done so all members and associates are aware well in advance who is who upon bosses death.