Originally Posted by Butchie1788
Colombo Family 1963

Joseph Colombo (40y) (Brooklyn)


* Michael ‘Peanuts’ Savino (55y)
* Modesto ‘Duke’ Santoro (55y)
* Rocco ‘Rocky’ Miraglia (37y)

Interesting. As I had mentioned, I never saw Mike Savino with that nickname, or any other, for that matter. He's typically just listed as either Michael or Mike Savino. (I guess you learn something new every day.) lol. Regardless, the "Peanuts" for the challenge was Nick Sorrentino.

As for the last nickname in question, or G-5, that was Vincent “Jimmy Soda Pop” Randazzo (Detroit)

Born in Sicily in 1903, Randazzo was an original member of the Zerilli Family, who was active primarily in the gambling rackets. He acquired his underworld moniker because he owned a place called "Jim's Soda Bar" which he conducted his activities from.
That about wraps up this particular challenge....until the next one. Ciao!