Taking place in Germany, Ben Monroe (Eric Bana) is a social psychologist and author. He's currently separated from his wife and as such, he has his daughter Mazzy (Sadie Sink) for a semester abroad. However, Ben's work seems to be his main focus as his last book was successful and he's writing a follow-up to it. He soon meets and befriends a local law enforcement agent Nina (Sylvia Hoeks), who allows him to view the crime scene of a ritual suicide by a local cult. By focusing on his work and Nina, he drives his daughter away who's wanting to reestablish a connection with her father now that they're on opposite continents; however, she seeks attention and acceptance by Martin (Jonas Dassler), a local boy she meets on the train soon after landing. Although she and Ben are unaware she's getting closer to the cult who's members just committed suicide. The trailer looked interesting enough to take a chance on but the film doesn't live up to the intrigue it spurred in me. Bana and Sink have both put forth better performances so I'm unsure why either signed on to this project unless the pay was too good to pass up? The premise is interesting enough and I appreciate the fact that the cult isn't religious in nation but rather extreme climate activists. There's supposed to big a twist at the end that I saw rather early on so it was wasted on me. Don't waste you time on this, there isn't anything interesting to see here. 5.5/10