NOS News

today, 23:00
Taghi's eldest son extradited from Dubai to the Netherlands

Ridouan Taghi's eldest son, Faissal, has been extradited to the Netherlands a year after his arrest in Dubai. This was reported by the Public Prosecution Service.

Faissal, 23, was arrested in the United Arab Emirates last July and has been in custody since then. He is considered by the authorities to be a key figure in his father's organization.

The young Taghi is suspected of participating in a criminal organization that is guilty of large-scale drug trafficking, money laundering and preparing violent crimes.

Took over his father's tasks
Faissal Taghi's name has been mentioned several times in court by the Public Prosecution Service in recent years. The Public Prosecution Service believes that he observed a number of his father's affairs and bases this on intercepted messages.

It was the reason for the police to investigate Ridouan Taghi's communication from the EBI. During that investigation it turned out that his orders ended up with the now arrested son, among others.

Taghi is said to have informed him in which companies and new construction projects money should be invested. According to earlier reports, 2.5 million euros in drug money was smuggled to this son.

Ridouan Taghi himself was arrested in Dubai in December 2019 and immediately deported to the Netherlands. In February he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"