First name : Doctor

Last name : Ferro

Gender (M/F) : M

State : Michigan

Occupation : Student/Writer/Filmmaker and Oddjobs

Hobbies :Writing/Reading/Filmmaking/Watching Movies

Religious (yes / no) : No

Single / girlfriend-boyfriend / married : Single

Fav subject at university : Writing

Most hated subject university :Math

Primary subject at university : Writing/Film Studies

Favorite computer game : None

Other forums / websites you visit often :

Fav song : Oh boy, either A Day in the Life, or Mr. Tambourine Man

Fav music album : Sgt. Pepper or Highway 61 Revisited

Favorite singer : Lennon/McCartney, Bob Dylan

Fav band : The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Warren Zevon, and The Grateful Dead

Fav line / verse in a song: Then take me disappearin' through the smoke rings of my mind,
Down the foggy ruins of time, far past the frozen leaves,
The haunted, frightened trees, out to the windy beach,
Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow.
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free,
Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands,
With all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves,
Let me forget about today until tomorrow.
~Bob Dylan (Mr. Tambourine Man)

Or Hey Jude by Lennon/McCartney

Members from this forum you've met In Real Life : None

Favorite T.V channel : Adult Swim, The History Channel

Favorite T.V show : Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Fav Godfather movie : 1

Favorite non-Godfather movie: Citizen Kane or Fear and Loathing

Fav movie genre : Drama

Fav director : Martin Scorsese, Orson Welles, Too many to name.

Favorite actor : Johnny Depp, Pacino, Orson Welles, Bogart.

Favorite actress : Lauren Bacall, Ingrid Bergman

Fav movie quote : "Here's looking at you kid", or "Rosebud"

How did you find this forum : It found me.

Fav section in this forum : General Discussion

Fav thread : Anything with Thompson

Fav Author : HUNTER S. THOMPSON, Hemingway, Fitzgerald

Fav Book :FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS, Hell's Angels, and FAL: On the Campaign Trail.

Fav book quote : "Hunter S. Thompson's The Wave Speech"

Traveled to : Many places. Canada, Peurto Rico, Haiti, DOminican Republic, The Keys, St. Thomas, small, uninhabited island in the Carribian.

Things you like about people : Not much, but the quiality to recognize another "crazy" is needed. People who enjoy Freedom.

Things you hate about people : Republicans, people who can't comprehend weirdness.

The world is (ugly / ok / wonderful) : beyond description. If I had to, I'd say people need to get weird.

Fav food : Wild Turkey

Favorite drink : Wild Turkey

The word "Nostalgia" reminds me of : Ragtime

Fav sport : Don't like sports.

Hottest woman alive : Lindsay Lohan

Nicknames : The Doc, Doctor Ferro, The Doctor of Journalism

Languages : French (ok), Italian(ok), and English

I've been working : on Writing a book and making films.

Any records : Can drink the most whiskey out of all my friends.

What is your biggest dream : To become a seclusive, yet eccentric and well-liked Writer/Filmmaker.

Fav quote : "The Crazy Never Die" "When the Going Gets Weird, The Weird Turn Pro"

Vehicle : 1986 Chevey Caprice.

Pick ONE - (Meat / Chicken / Fish / Help,I'm a veggie!!) : Meat (Steak)

Favorite season : Summer (Shotgun Season)

Your pic:

No Real pics. The closest I could find on the internet to my true form would be Jerry Garcia. But I always wear hats. And never baseball hats.

The Doc

And you liar, teller of tall tales: you trample all the Lord's commandments underfoot, you murder, steal, commit adultery, and afterward break into tears, beat your breast, take down your guitar and turn sin into a song. Shrewd devil, you know very well that God pardons singers no matter what they do, because he can simply die for a song.