
'Ndrangheta, the story of the repentant Giampà. «They asked me to kill Pititto for revenge, but I didn't trust me»
The 1980-born repentant, in the bunker courtroom, illustrated the links between his old gang and those in Vibo Valentia, but also the relationships with the 'ndrina in Brianza and his cousin Stagno

LAMEZIA TERME «I was asked to eliminate this individual, a man in a wheelchair. It was Fortunato Galati, the brother of my cousin Stagno's wife, who asked me to do so. In fact, they considered him responsible for the death of Fortunato's father, so it was a matter of revenge». This was stated this morning in the bunker courtroom by the repentant Giuseppe Giampà (born in 1980), questioned by the prosecutor of the Catanzaro DDA, Andrea Buzzelli, during the hearing of “Maestrale-Carthago” before the judges of the Court of Vibo Valentia. The repentant is evidently referring to Pasquale Pititto, the 56-year-old boss who has been in a wheelchair since the early 1990s, after having suffered an attack by the rival Galati clan. The boss, moreover, recently ended up in 41bis and is serving a life sentence for the murder of Pietro Cosimo, committed in the 80s with Nazzareno Prostamo, which took place in Catanzaro on the orders of the then head of the Gaglianesi.

The request of Galatians
"We talked about it, I remember, but I should have carefully assessed the situation," Giampà explained, "but I didn't trust the area, I didn't know it, and even more so I didn't trust Fortunato Galati . I also talked about it with my cousin, Stagno, he was skeptical too." I remember that Galati "told me that this individual always went to a bar, in the square in Mileto, and therefore wanted this murder to be committed there." As Giampà explained, the problem "wasn't the murder itself but the escape after the ambush, but we didn't even know any family ties."
The individual to be eliminated, in essence, was in fact "my cousin's father-in-law, both Antonio Stagno and Rocco Cristello were brothers-in-law, they married the two Galati sisters," Giampà explained, "but the problem is that the murder had happened before the wedding, so they would have had to avenge a murder that didn't concern them. If it had happened after, then the matter would have been very different." "I know - Giampà finally explained - that this individual in a wheelchair was at the top of the 'ndrangheta in Mileto, I know that Carmine Galati's part, on the other hand, was with him".

The 'ndrina in Seregno and Brianza
When questioned by the DDA prosecutor, the informer also spoke about the criminal dynamics in Brianza, referring to his cousin Antonio Stagno . «He had a small 'ndrina in Brianza but often went down to Calabria. He had relationships with us, we were relatives, but he also had ties with the Mancusos, there was his friend “devoted” to Scarpuni. If there was an illegal activity in Brianza they still reported to them. In this group there were also Paolo De Luca and some individuals from the Vibo Valentia area, his brother-in-law Sergio Sannino, his brother Gianluca, but the one who directed everything was Antonio, starting with drug trafficking». Furthermore, according to the informer, Stagno was the brother-in-law of Rocco Cristello, an individual indicated as «the head of the Seregno and Giussano areas. He was the undisputed boss of the area. After his death, the Gallaces took over with Belnome, listed as “company boss”. I remember that he had clashed with my cousin, there were some problems with fires, threats, my cousin's uncle, Rocco Stagno, was killed. In short, there were a couple of years of turbulence with gunshots, murders and intimidating acts". "It all started - Giampà explained - to command the territory and everyone, starting with the management of extortion in Brianza carried out without reporting to the bosses".
"This place in Giussano", the repentant Giampà explained to the prosecutor, "was made up of people of Vibo origin, there was a large population coming from the Vibo area. The Cristellos themselves originated from San Giovanni di Mileto. Then there were the Galatis, relatives of my cousin's wife, Caterina Galati, whose father was killed in the 90s". "I often met this Michele Galati in Brianza, I knew he was a guy who was watched out for because of some problems, he was still a person defined as "reliable" by my cousin Stagno, but I never had anything to do with him". "I had a war in Lamezia, I didn't trust much in that period, so not knowing who to trust I avoided traveling", the repentant finally says. (