First name : Angelica.

Last name: Z......

Gender: Female.

Age: 24.

state: North of chile.

City: ..........

Occupation: College student/online business/walk my dogs lol.

Hobbies: Music, movies, travel, filming, photography, art in general, play music ( guitar, bass, keyboard, piano), yoga, reiki, run, pets, mountain bike, write, read, the net, my dogs, etc.

Religious ( yes /no): No.

single/ girlfriend-boyfriend: uhmmm tough one, yes and no, but happy .

Fav subject in college: Philosophy, athropology, psychology, neuropsychology, history, languages, music and art class.

Most hated subject at school/university: MATHS.

Primary subject at school/university: For now, psychology.

Computer (not so good, good,expert): good.

Favorite computer game : None.

Other forums/websites :myspace/angelicaz22, peta boards,, local news, dharma ( buddhism) online,etc........

Fav song : uhmmm tons, current: November spawned a monster by Morrissey and riders on the storm by The doors.

Favorite music album : The white album by The beatles, in utero by nirvana, Play by moby, Meat is murder by The smiths, Viva hate by Morrissey, Okay computer by Radiohead, etc........., I cant chose one, though ahhaa.

Favorite singer : Jim morrison, Frank sinatra and Morrissey.

Fav band : uhmm tough again, I guess the beatles, the smiths, nirvana, pink floyd, radiohead, etc .......

Fav line/verse in a song: current " dream of love, b/c is the closer you will get to love..." November spawned a monster By morrissey.

Members from this forum you`ve met in real life : None.

Favorite Tv chanel: discovery ( all of them) animal planet, AE, cinemax, Hbo, Bravo and any with movies in it.

Favorite tv show ; Seinfeld/curb your enthusiam/ x files/ sopranos/ the simpsons.

Fav godfather part : 2.

Favorite non godfather movie: Taxi driver/annie hall/ seven samurais.

Fav movie genre: Drama.

Fav director: Scorsese/kurosawa.

Fav actor: Pacino , de niro, brando, norton, nicholson, hoffman, james dean, paul newman.

Fav actress: Meryl streep, ingrid bergman, jodi foster.

Fav movie quote: " My brain - its my second favorite organ" Woody allen in sleeper.

How did you find this forum: Google.

Fav section : general.

Fav thread: ......

Fav author: Shakespeare, salinger, oscar wilde, Nietzsche, ken wilber, sartre, stephen king, william gibson, etc ......

Fav book : The catcher in the rye.

Fav book quote: " What does not destroy me, makes me stronger"- The twilight of the idols by Friedrich nietzsche.

Traveled to: the states and in latin america.

Things you like in people : Honesty, genuine, deep people, creativity, temper.

Things you hate about people: Lies, annoying people, unclear persons, etc.

The world is (ugly/ok/wonderful): uhmm sometimes , Its okay, nice then I watch the news and its sucks, so depends.

I visit this forum: mostly everyday.

Fav food: Italian, Thai, chinese, vegan cousine in general.

Favorite drink: Vodka.

Fast food restaurant: none.

The word " nostalgia" reminds me of: My childhood.

Fav sport: Extreme ones, baseball and soccer.

Fav sport team: now none.

Which sport you practice: run, tai chi, bike, etc.

Hottest man alive: (P) , George clooney , etc.

Hottest woman alive: uhmm I guess angelina jolie.

Nicknames: Angie.

Languages: Spanish/english/italian and few of german.

I`ve been working in: Go more to college lol j/k, I`ve been working in some music now.

Any records : nah, but I have some vinils if that counts haha.

Favorite color : Blue.

What is your biggest dream: Travel a lot, learn untill the day I`ll die, try to be happy and if iI can make a movie, it could be awesome.

Fav quote: " never says never and never says always".

Vehicle: Mountain bike.

Pick one ( meat/chicken/fish/help, Im veggie): Im vegan and I dont need any help thanks :p .

Favorite season: autumm.

Fav pizza toppings : Veggies and tofu.

Your pic: I`ll try soon.

" What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy?"

" Take me out tonight
Because I want to see people and I
Want to see life"- there is a light that never goes out by The smiths.