Alleged cover-up of investigation into clans and contracts, former Rome prosecutor Giuseppe Pignatone also investigated in Caltanissetta

There is also the former prosecutor of Rome Giuseppe Pignatone among those investigated by the Caltanissetta prosecutor's office for the alleged cover-up, in 1992, of the investigation into the relationships between the mafia entrepreneurs Nino and Salvatore Buscemi and the Ferruzzi group led by Raul Gardini . As anticipated by Repubblica , the magistrate - currently president of the Vatican Tribunal - received a summons to appear and presented himself to the prosecutors on Wednesday for questioning. The alleged crime is aiding and abetting the mafia , committed according to the prosecution by Pignatone, at the time a prosecutor in Palermo, in collaboration with the former prosecutor Pietro Giammanco (who died in 2018 and is considered the "instigator" of the conduct), with his then colleague Gioacchino Natoli and the financier Stefano Screpanti . Both Natoli and Screpanti have received summons to appear in recent weeks and have already been questioned: the former prosecutor has availed himself of the right to remain silent and has announced that he wants to clarify his position at a later time , while the soldier has rejected the accusations.

The reconstruction by the Nissa Prosecutor's Office revolves around a file on Cosa Nostra infiltration in the marble quarries in Tuscany, which Natoli requested and obtained to be shelved in June 1992. Among the main suspects were Nino and Salvatore Buscemi, mafia entrepreneurs close to the "boss of bosses" Totò Riina , who later became partners in the Ferruzzi group. According to the prosecution, Natoli, Giammanco, Screpanti and Pignatone (each in their own role) helped the suspects to "evade investigations", carrying out "an apparent investigation " and in particular asking for "authorization to order telephone interception activities for a very short period of time ", "less than forty days for almost all targets", and "only for a portion of the users who necessarily had to be tapped". Furthermore, " particularly relevant conversations , to be considered as real independent reports of crimes, were not transcribed.