He was on the list of the most dangerous fugitives, Salvatore Mari arrested by the Carabinieri

The wanted man, believed to be close to the Abbinante clan, was hiding in a villa in Castel Volturno. Six other people, who acted as his escort and assisted him during his time on the run, were reported for aiding and abetting.

Since July 19, Salvatore Mari, known as "o' lieutenant", 47 years old, had been included in the list of "dangerous fugitives" of the Ministry of the Interior , and was arrested by the Carabinieri of the provincial command of Naples while he was on board a car preceded by an escort vehicle. The wanted man, believed to be close to the Abbinante clan, was hiding in a villa in Castel Volturno , in the province of Caserta. Six other people, who were his escort and who assisted him in his fugitive status, were reported for aiding and abetting.