Moroccan court to reconsider case of Dutch sentenced to death
Article by RTL News / ANP•1 d • 2 minutes reading time

© AFP (Shortly after the murder in Marrakech)
The case of two Dutchmen who were sentenced to death in Morocco for a mistaken murder, must be re-examined by the court. The two had targeted a rival of Ridouan Taghi, but murdered the son of a high judge instead.

Bob Kaarls, the lawyer of the two, confirms after reporting by De Telegraaf that the court must look at the case again. According to the Supreme Court of Morocco, the court did not look enough at the possible role and attitude of the two when sentencing, says Kaarls.

Cafe in Marrakech
The duo were allegedly ordered to shoot dead a rival of Taghi in Marrakech in November 2017, but the son of a senior judge was killed in the attack at the café.
Kaarls finds it remarkable that the two were given the death penalty . "They are the only ones who cooperated," he says. The two have confessed to having committed the murder and are said to have also mentioned other names.

Cousin and brothers Taghi
According to De Telegraaf, a cousin of Ridouan Taghi was sentenced to six years in prison for his role in the murder. Two brothers of Taghi were given long sentences, but not the death penalty or life imprisonment.

If the sentence is commuted to life imprisonment, they may be able to serve it in the Netherlands. That is not possible if they are sentenced to death. According to De Telegraaf, they have been in isolated death cells of 2 by 2 meters for seven years now and they sleep on the floor.

Although the death penalty is still imposed in Morocco, it has not been carried out there since 1993.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"