Originally Posted by Lou_Para
Originally Posted by majicrat
The motorcycle gangs are the real organized crime today. The Italians def take a back seat them nowadays, if a war ever erupted the MC Gangs wouldn't hesitate to use violence. I doubt the Italians could muster up anyone willing to even go to war. MC just don't care

You hit the nail on the head majicrat.
Any major 1% er Club will stop at nothing to avenge an insult,disrespectful behavior, or any incursion into their territory or rackets.
They are heavily armed psychopaths that consider it an honor to die or go to prison for their brothers and their Patch.
There's a big difference between going after someone with a silenced .38 and having your ass shredded by an Uzi before your house (and everyone in it) gets lit up by a military grade rocket launcher.

In the US? I'd have to disagree, as a generalization.

How can they stop at nothing when there are constant encroachments all over the country? It's been nonstop forever and will never stop. Now if you're talking about certain flare ups of extreme violence at certain times and places? Undeniably true. Especially if you're international, like the Nordic war.

I've never heard of a rocket launcher being used by bikers in the US. I've only read about fully auto weapons being used 3 times in 50 years, though I'm sure there are more. Can't think of drive by on houses killing everyone inside. In the USA, I mean.

I bet most of them don't consider it an honor to go to prison until they are convicted and then have no choice. Drop out or own it and ride it to the max. Plus if it was such an honor they wouldn't be constantly ratting on each other. Sometimes just to avoid short sentences.

Last edited by alicecooper; 07/31/24 01:17 PM.