Originally Posted by joepuzzles234
Originally Posted by NYMafia

Through the years he's been listed by a variety of sources, including the FBI, local police in Texas, the Dallas-PD, the Dallas Sheriff's Office, as well as the FBNDD....and, no doubt, through info that was gleaned from several informants as well I'm sure.

Were any of these FBI documents on Mary Ferrell or did you have to FOIA for better info? I've seen Maddi's name pop up on MF in connection to Steve Bruno (I imagine you came across these files as well) but never could find anything specific about his LCN membership

Not FOIA files we sent away for, per se. But through various FBI #302s, MF, and other contributors, a portrait emerges about Maddi, as well as many of the others listed over those early decades.

Remember too, that a lot of what was offered was not all that precise, as in later years. For instance, for some time, investigators actually thought Texas worked for NY, per se. And that Family boss Joe Civello was "subservient to" and "reported to" NY capodecina Mike Clemente.

So, as far as I can remember, there was no Joe Valachi type person clearly identifying Victor Maddi as a "made" man reporting to "so and so" etc. But based upon our knowledge of his closest associates, activities, etc., an educated guess can be made (much the same as the feds did back then.) There was a lot of that going on with many of these fellows. Not only in Texas, but throughout the U.S.

Last edited by NYMafia; 07/31/24 03:55 PM.